Nonprofit Year-End Giving Campaign


The IEEE Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.


The goal of the project was to execute a successful end-of-year giving campaign for the IEEE Foundation by orchestrating a comprehensive branding strategy across social media and email platforms. The objective was to maximize impact and engagement among potential donors while seamlessly integrating the custom event logo and brand into the primary identity of the foundation. The campaign aimed to foster a cohesive and compelling message throughout, encouraging supporters to contribute to the time-sensitive cause.




As the Creative Director and full-service creative team, I spearheaded a comprehensive branding strategy for the end-of-year giving campaign for the IEEE Foundation. I aligned the event logo and brand with the primary brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and compelling message across all campaign touch points. Tailored social media imagery was crafted for maximum engagement on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Facebook, leveraging impactful carousel content to captivate the audience and encourage contributions to the cause. Additionally, I prioritized responsive channel branding to ensure optimal display on various devices, reaching as many potential donors as possible. Graphic email headers were strategically designed to reinforce the campaign brand image, seamlessly connecting with the social graphics and fostering consistent branding throughout the campaign.


The campaign's execution significantly contributed to driving meaningful engagement and contributions to the IEEE Foundation's end-of-year giving campaign. The comprehensive branding strategy, including the seamless integration of the custom event logo and brand into the primary identity, along with tailored social media imagery and responsive channel branding, enhanced the foundation's brand presence and fostered cohesive and impactful communication with potential donors across multiple touch points.

Elevate your end-of-year giving campaigns with my comprehensive creative services!

Contact me today to discuss how I can help you maximize impact and engagement across social media and email platforms, driving meaningful contributions to your nonprofit organization.


An Edgy Website Transformation


Giving Tuesday Social Media Campaign